企业简介威马汽车是国内新兴的新能源汽车产品及出行方案提供商,基于全球人才、科技、研发、制造及产业链资源,致力于为中国消费者提供完善、便捷、舒适的出行体验。WM是德文Weltmeister世界冠军单词的缩写,意为威马要制造“世界冠军”级的智能汽车产品。威马汽车在未来产品规划上实行“128”战略,即围绕1个核心架构,延伸出“STD”和“PL”2个整车平台8款产品。目前威马已经拥有超过800人的核心团队,其中70%-80%来自整车行业,20%-30%来自互联网。分布在德国(技术中心)、上海(总部、设计中心、研发中心)、北京(大数据中心)、成都(研究院)和温州(工厂)。威马新能源汽车智能产业园位于温州市瓯江口产业集聚区,遵循工业4.0“C2M智能制造”规划设计。历经10个月的建设,目前已完成所有厂房主体土建建设,冲压、车身、涂装、总装四大工艺车间已全部封顶,全面进入设备安装及调试阶段。威马汽车的首款量产车产品是定位于20万元区间的纯电动智能化SUV车型,整车最大续航里程达600公里,综合工况下续航里程超过450公里,将采用C2M定制化生产方式,平均交付周期为特斯拉的三分之一,于2018年量产下线。威马汽车的量产车型将100%联网,不论何时、何地、何人,为用户提供一致性的无缝体验。威马汽车旗下智慧出行品牌“GETnGO”,致力为用户带来“触手可及,即刻出发”的全方位智慧出行体验,成为城市综合交通网络的高效接驳者。2017年4月,“威马充电”APP正式上线公开测试。6月,威马汽车与海南省交通投资控股有限公司合作,初次尝试旅游租车领域。9月,威马汽车与共享单车品牌哈罗单车(Hellobike)开启深度战略合作,整合分时租赁电动车 共享单车产品,搭建全新“4 2”(四轮加两轮)场景和服务模式。未来,“GETnGO”将围绕新能源车辆在全国范围内布局出行服务,并以更为开放的态度进行运营和合作,为各级城市的环境建设与民生建设提供优质的服务。About UsAs China’s emerging EV products an d mobilitysolution provider, WM aims to become a leading provider of products andservices for our customers for an intelligent mobility solution with enhancedexperience in convenience an d comfort, based on global talent that is highlycapable in vehicle technology an d development, manufacturing an d supply chainmanagement.WM is abbreviation of “world champion” inGerman, Weltmeister, indicating WM Motor will build connected cars of worldchampion level. In the future, WM Motor will focus on 1 key architecture,extend to 2 vehicle platforms, STD an d PL, an d launch at least one qualitymainstream connected EV model annually starting from 2018. Currently WM Motor already forms a key teamof over 800 people, based in Germany, Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu an d Wenzhou.WMMotor EV Smart Industrial Park is located in Oujiangkou Industry ClusteringArea, Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province an d follows Industry 4.0 design of“C2M IntelligentManufacturing”. After 10 months of construction, all main buildings have bencompleted, four plants of stamping, car body, painting an d assembly have allbeen capped, now fully enters the stage of equipment installation andcommissioning.The first mass-production vehicle of WM Motoris a connected electric SUV model with price range of RMB200,000. The maximum endurancemileage of the vehicle would reach 600km, with the range of more than 450kmunder comprehensive working conditions. It would be manufactured by C2M customizationmode, with average delivery cycle one third of Tesla´s, an d mass-produced in2018. The mass production of WM Motor will be 100% connected to the internet, andprovide consistent an d seamless experience for users no matter when,where andwho. GETnGO is a smart mobility brand belongs toWM Motor dedicating to comprehensive smart mobility experience an d efficientconcept of urban transport network which is called “Reach & Go”. Theofficial charging APP of WM Motor was launched for public testing this year inApril.In June, WM Motor started the cooperation with Hainan ProvincialTransportation Investment Holding Co., Ltd., focusing on the car-rentalbusiness model in the tourist spectrum for the very first time.In September WMMotor an d Hellobike began to cooperate strategically in the field oftime-sharing leasing business model with the concept of “ Sharing EV Bike, 4 2” developed in various service modes an d scenarios.In order to provide qualityservices for the environment an d the whole society, we will stay open andpositive to welcome various cooperative possibilities an d service models withour sub-brand "GETnGO".