温州肯恩大学致力于“为不同的学生找到不同的发展方向”,引进借鉴美国优质大学的办学资源、理念和模式,紧密结合中国国情与区域经济文化的发展需求,建设一所以学生为本、创新包容、多元发展、特色鲜明的世界级教育水平的国际化大学。学校的人才培养目标是:融合中美国际教育教学方法,培养具有全球视野,通晓国际规则和事务,具备创新、创造和开拓能力的国际化人才。在发展路径上,从教学型大学起步,以开展高水平国际合作研究为突破口,向教学与科研并重发展,逐步发展成为具有世界级教育水平的研究教学型大学。在价值取向上,坚持中外合作办学的公益性原则,实行非营利性办学,中美双方均不从中获取利润。温州肯恩大学将充分吸纳美国高校先进的师资队伍建设理念和管理模式,建立严格的教师聘任制度,按照世界级大学的标准吸引和选聘全球优秀人才。同时建立科学合理的教师和科研评价体系,支持教师职业发展,建立以人为本的人力资源管理制度,为学校的国际化办学提供有力的人才支撑。温州肯恩大学将积极探索中外合作特色的现代大学制度,形成社会共同参与、依法自主办学、实行科学管理的现代大学制度。理事会是学校最高决策机构,由中美双方共同组成。学校坚持理事会领导下的校长负责制,坚持学术自治、教授治校,逐步建立精简、扁平、高效的内部组织管理机构,以及富于创新意识和企业家精神的学术机构。温州肯恩大学将秉承中美两所母体学校的优良办学传统,按照既依托办学母体,又超越办学母体的办学要求,打造一流的校园、师资、教学科研以及服务与管理体系,经过几代人的努力,成为一所世界一流高等学府和中美教育合作的成功典范。??Wenzhou-Kean University has been dedicatedto the principle of “providing students with different ways of development” byintroducing an d referencing educational resources, critical missions andadvanced patterns from prestigious universities in the US. Being well-knit withChinese actual conditions an d needs in developing regional economy andcultures, the University strives for excellence in building an internationaluniversity with world-class education, which is fundamentally student-oriented,innovatively inclusive, diversely developmental an d characteristically unique.With comprehensive an d sophisticated practices, the University set up itspedagogical goal that aims to merge Chinese an d American teaching methodologiesin practice from a global context, an d to cultivate students with globalvision, mastering of international rules an d conventions, an d innovativecreative an d initiative competences. In terms of the strategic plan foruniversity development, the University identified itself as a teachinguniversity at the early stage. With the development of high-qualityinternational cooperation in research, the University will find a balancebetween teaching an d research in its transformation to become aresearch-leading teaching university with world-class education. In terms ofvalue orientation, the University adheres to the public welfare principle ofChinese-Foreign cooperation in running as a non-profit organization.Wenzhou-Kean University employs advancedideology an d administration system for faculty management from thoseprestigious American higher education institutions with sophisticatedappointment system, an d attracts an d recruits highly talented professionals incompliance with world-class standards. Concurrently, the University willdevelop a scientific evaluation scheme for management of faculty an d research,in order to support all the professional development at campus.With activeexploration in Chinese-Foreign cooperation in modernized higher education, theUniversity is dedicated to the development of a unique institution withinclusive social interactions, autonomy in running, an d implementation ofscientific management. The Board of Directors is the highest local policymaking authority, which is composed by both the Chinese an d American parties.The University adopts such a governance structure where the Chancellor shall actas the executive officer, an d serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors.With persistence in academic autonomy an d faculty-involved administrationstrategy, the University will build a precise, solid an d effective internaladministrative organization, as well as being with innovation andentrepreneurship.Wenzhou-KeanUniversity will inherit the excellence from both parental universities. Bycomplying with the aforementioned principle, Wenzhou-Kean, a world-classuniversity will be built with first-class campus an d facilities, professionalfaculty communities, academic research an d maintenance services. It willundergo a complex process to achieve the final goal, but the University willstrike for excellence in being an exceptional model for Sino-US cooperation ineducation with efforts from generation to generation.?

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未融资 I 100-499人 I 教育培训




温州肯恩大学致力于“为不同的学生找到不同的发展方向”,引进借鉴美国优质大学的办学资源、理念和模式,紧密结合中国国情与区域经济文化的发展需求,建设一所以学生为本、创新包容、多元发展、特色鲜明的世界级教育水平的国际化大学。学校的人才培养目标是:融合中美国际教育教学方法,培养具有全球视野,通晓国际规则和事务,具备创新、创造和开拓能力的国际化人才。在发展路径上,从教学型大学起步,以开展高水平国际合作研究为突破口,向教学与科研并重发展,逐步发展成为具有世界级教育水平的研究教学型大学。在价值取向上,坚持中外合作办学的公益性原则,实行非营利性办学,中美双方均不从中获取利润。温州肯恩大学将充分吸纳美国高校先进的师资队伍建设理念和管理模式,建立严格的教师聘任制度,按照世界级大学的标准吸引和选聘全球优秀人才。同时建立科学合理的教师和科研评价体系,支持教师职业发展,建立以人为本的人力资源管理制度,为学校的国际化办学提供有力的人才支撑。温州肯恩大学将积极探索中外合作特色的现代大学制度,形成社会共同参与、依法自主办学、实行科学管理的现代大学制度。理事会是学校最高决策机构,由中美双方共同组成。学校坚持理事会领导下的校长负责制,坚持学术自治、教授治校,逐步建立精简、扁平、高效的内部组织管理机构,以及富于创新意识和企业家精神的学术机构。温州肯恩大学将秉承中美两所母体学校的优良办学传统,按照既依托办学母体,又超越办学母体的办学要求,打造一流的校园、师资、教学科研以及服务与管理体系,经过几代人的努力,成为一所世界一流高等学府和中美教育合作的成功典范。??Wenzhou-Kean University has been dedicatedto the principle of “providing students with different ways of development” byintroducing an d referencing educational resources, critical missions andadvanced patterns from prestigious universities in the US. Being well-knit withChinese actual conditions an d needs in developing regional economy andcultures, the University strives for excellence in building an internationaluniversity with world-class education, which is fundamentally student-oriented,innovatively inclusive, diversely developmental an d characteristically unique.With comprehensive an d sophisticated practices, the University set up itspedagogical goal that aims to merge Chinese an d American teaching methodologiesin practice from a global context, an d to cultivate students with globalvision, mastering of international rules an d conventions, an d innovativecreative an d initiative competences. In terms of the strategic plan foruniversity development, the University identified itself as a teachinguniversity at the early stage. With the development of high-qualityinternational cooperation in research, the University will find a balancebetween teaching an d research in its transformation to become aresearch-leading teaching university with world-class education. In terms ofvalue orientation, the University adheres to the public welfare principle ofChinese-Foreign cooperation in running as a non-profit organization.Wenzhou-Kean University employs advancedideology an d administration system for faculty management from thoseprestigious American higher education institutions with sophisticatedappointment system, an d attracts an d recruits highly talented professionals incompliance with world-class standards. Concurrently, the University willdevelop a scientific evaluation scheme for management of faculty an d research,in order to support all the professional development at campus.With activeexploration in Chinese-Foreign cooperation in modernized higher education, theUniversity is dedicated to the development of a unique institution withinclusive social interactions, autonomy in running, an d implementation ofscientific management. The Board of Directors is the highest local policymaking authority, which is composed by both the Chinese an d American parties.The University adopts such a governance structure where the Chancellor shall actas the executive officer, an d serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors.With persistence in academic autonomy an d faculty-involved administrationstrategy, the University will build a precise, solid an d effective internaladministrative organization, as well as being with innovation andentrepreneurship.Wenzhou-KeanUniversity will inherit the excellence from both parental universities. Bycomplying with the aforementioned principle, Wenzhou-Kean, a world-classuniversity will be built with first-class campus an d facilities, professionalfaculty communities, academic research an d maintenance services. It willundergo a complex process to achieve the final goal, but the University willstrike for excellence in being an exceptional model for Sino-US cooperation ineducation with efforts from generation to generation.?

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注册地址: {{details.regLocation}}

经营范围: {{details.businessScope}}






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